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reducing our environmental impact

July 29, 2018 1 min read

Did you know that the average Australian uses 130 kg of plastic each year, but only 12% is recycled? Now imagine how much plastic would an average business go through.

Since most of the furniture in Australia originates overseas, they are packaged to ship undamaged across thousands of kilometres. This involves lots of cardboard, styrofoam products and plastic wrapping.

At CLU Living, we recognise the importance of minimising our environmental impact and have done so since day one.

These are our initiatives that are practiced everyday:

  • Reuse all packing materials for our online orders. All materials from furniture shipped to our store like styrofoam, bubble wrap, cardboard boxes and styrofoam peanuts are reused so they don't end up as single use items.
  • Recycle all non suitable packing materials and office refuse. 
  • Reduce shipping materials by sourcing local manufacturers. Not only is it good for the economy but their furniture is carefully hand delivered without any packaging. Best yet, most of the manufacturing is done within 100 km of Melbourne. 
  • Our store operations include energy efficient LED lighting, email receipts and paper bags. Non essential lighting and HVAC is turned off every night.

Small changes have a huge impact for our planet and marine wildlife. We are doing our part for our only home. If you would like ideas on how you can do your part. Read this great article from the WWF Australia>